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Imagine a world where language barriers are a thing of the past.

Imagine a world where language barriers are a thing of the past. This is the world that Shothik AI, a trailblazing startup from the heart of Bangladesh, is striving to create. Recently, their innovative work caught the eye of none other than Google, and they were chosen to be part of the prestigious Google for AI Startup Cloud Program. This program is a golden ticket for startups, offering them the chance to tap into Google’s vast resources and expertise.

Shothik AI is not your average startup. They are on a mission to tackle complex problems related to the Bengali language, such as spelling and grammar correction. But they don’t stop there. Their platform is a veritable Swiss Army knife of language tools, offering paraphrasing, text summarisation, translation, and copywriting. They even have the capability to generate images and videos from text! And the best part? All these features are available in both Bengali and English.

They were previously awarded the ‘Bangabandhu Innovation Grant (BIG)’ by the ICT division of the Bangladesh Government, cementing their status as a portfolio startup. With their recent selection by Google, it’s clear that Shothik AI is a startup to watch.

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