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Versicles Technologies, a Kerala-based startup, has introduced

Versicles Technologies, a Kerala-based startup, has introduced Prognosis, a groundbreaking digital health kiosk. This innovative kiosk offers quick and accurate basic diagnostics, including blood pressure, blood sugar, ECG, temperature, and weight, with multilingual instructions provided by an AI-based voice bot. Results are delivered in under a minute, with immediate recommendations for irregularities. The kiosk, deployable in hospitals, offices, malls, and gyms, is supervised by a certified nurse, facilitating remote care options. Versicles Technologies aims to transform access to basic health checks, closing the gap between early detection and professional healthcare.

Paramount Venture Capital is committed to bolstering the healthcare ecosystem in Bangladesh and is actively seeking investment opportunities in pioneering health-tech startups like Versicles Technologies.

Calling all visionary entrepreneurs from Bangladesh! If you have a similar idea, you are requested to connect with us. We’re excited to support initiatives that can truly make a lasting impact on the healthcare scene in Bangladesh. Let’s collaborate for a healthier future!


#PrognosisKiosk #DigitalHealthcare #HealthTech #InnovativeHealth #VersiclesTechnologies #ParamountVentureCapital #PVC

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