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Interactive Cares, an ed-tech startup based in Dhaka, Bangladesh, has been selected for

Interactive Cares, an ed-tech startup based in Dhaka, Bangladesh, has been selected for the 9th Cohort of Accelerating Asia’s accelerator programme. As part of this, Accelerating Asia will invest US$100,000 in Interactive Cares with the potential for additional funding up to US$250,000. Accelerating Asia has previously made investments in several notable Bangladeshi startups including, Shuttle, Zantrik, Edutechs, and WeGro Global.

Interactive Cares is the only Bangladeshi startup in this cohort. The company, founded in 2020, offers a comprehensive virtual ed-tech platform and has previously raised US$350,000 in a pre-seed round from various investors. This new investment further strengthens its position in Bangladesh’s rapidly evolving ed-tech landscape.

Paramount Venture Capital stands by innovation and believes in supporting pioneering ed-tech startups like Interactive Cares. Our involvement in the ed-tech sector in Bangladesh is evident, with Edutechs being a significant part of our investment portfolio. We firmly believe in fostering the growth of this dynamic sector.

#EdTech #DigitizingEducation #InteractiveCares #AcceleratingAsia #ParamountVentureCapital #PVC

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